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Po Lin Temple
(Hong Kong)

From the EditorGlossary History of BuddhismTemples


Hong Kong Lantau Island where the Hong Kong International Airport is located off the north west coast of the island.


Via MTR Tung Chung Line to Tung Chung station:

1) Take Bus number 23 from Bus terminal to Po Lin Temple.


2) Ngong Ping 360 Cable car from Tung Chung.

One of the world's largest Bronze Buddha(s), Siddhartha Gautama statue, with a weight of 202 tonnes and about 26 meters tall, sits peacefully on top of a lotus pedestal adjacent to the main temple.

Memorial Hall displaying the Buddha's "Sariras" is located inside the Bronze Buddha after climbing 286 steps. (Entrance fees is only applied for visiting the Memorial Hall)

The Buddha's hands symbolize "Peace and Religious Freedom".

Temple Entrance

Gate to Temple

Before walking into the main temple compound, a Happy Buddha (Maitreya Buddha) with a big belly (representing great broad-mindedness) and wearing a sweet smile on his face (representing greeting people with a smile and treating others with generosity) is sitting at the center of the entrance hall.

Happy Buddha (Maitreya Buddha)

Wai Tou Bodhisattva is sitting behind.

Wai Tou Bodhisattva

Four Heavenly Guards, two on each side, representing the Protectors for practitioners of Buddhism.

Four Heavenly Guards

Main Temple

Three Buddha(s) and Kwun Yam Bodhisattva are located in the main temple.

Buddha's Hall

A new extension hall is located at the back of the main temple.

Dining Hall

Serving vegetarian meals all day.
