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[Tit-bits Index]

(P to R)

Tit-bits Index


A man asks an old man what is the best way to handle success, failure, happiness and sad times.

The old man answered:

"The Past is the key word, such times or moments will be long-gone without trace; so be neither too sad nor too happy. Just treat every moment with a medium heart."

People Change

Four people visit the same scene in different seasons.

One may say, it is very good.

One may say, it is hot and not so exciting.

One may say, it is picturesque.

One may say, it is so cold, not much going on!

In our society, some people may be badly behaved when young, but it does not mean that they are always like that.

Some may be doing bad-deeds before, that does not mean they can not change for the better.

Surely, there is always a bright side in each person, why not give them a chance to help them to become a better person.

Every little does help a lot.

Tit-bits Index

Playing Chess

Life is just like playing a game of chess.

Each move will certainly affect the whole situation, so one has to analyze, re-think the circumstances and reschedule the entire plan.

**In another word, nothing will stay the same forever.**


A teacher asks a group of students to craft all their dislikes one by one on a  potato each.

i.e. I hate John, I do not like my next door neighbor.. etc, then one by one stitch the crafted potatoes together and hang them around your neck for 7 days 24 hours.

After 7 days, the teacher asks: Hey! How do you all feel?

Some said:- It is really heavy, some say it is so troublesome, some say it is not nice at all, it stinks, feeling uncomfortable etc.

Moral of the story

Imagine how would one feel if one were to carry such burden for life?

Well! Just let go! Surely one will feel much much easier, better, happier, ..etc.


Staying put and waiting for opportunities to drop by could be quite a long-wait, but implementing and working diligently will create chances, which is the faster solution.

Treasure our life as being Human Beings, just progress further with good-deeds.

By doing good-deeds not just helping others, but also helping one-self to progress.


A promise is meant that one is to fulfill what being pledged. If one cannot keep their promise, they will lose the trust or faith from others. Hence think twice before making any promises.

Prosperity, Love and Inner Peace

Prosperity, love and inner peace can be considered as the three main issues in one’s life. There will be no warning at all when it starts to disappear. Nothing is forever for sure.

Quiet moment

If one can organize tranquil moments during a busy life style, attaining such moment is priceless.


Regret always come into sight when a bad deed is done, but why not try to "Pre-regret", that means before doing any bad-deed; think once, think twice, just get rid of any bad-deed idea. 

SO the word "Regret" will disappear without trace.

Regret After

Regretting for take up opportunity.

Regretting for not gripping hold of opportunity.

Regretting what we did.

Regretting what we did not do.

Regretting what we said.

Regretting what we did not said ..etc,

No matter what, regrets and complaints after event happened.

For what?

The past is the past; there is no regret, done-deal; there is no time-machine that could travel back to the past.

Well! Just think once, twice and again before taking any action, any regret will be disappeared into thin air.

Do remember:-

Yesterday is a history.

Tomorrow is a mystery.

Today is a gift. (present)


Relationship is the most difficult task; either love and/or hate are constantly exchanging places, accompanying each individual with either happiness or sadness.

Having a happy relationship will definitely come with tranquility, inner peace and quiet.

Love is the most important element in life. It can be in the form of:

Kind words; such as a word of good-morning, how are you, magic words such as thank you, please… etc.

Deeds of love, such as charity, helping others without intend, teaching good stories to young people, set good-examples to others etc.

There are so many different ways connected to love. Just show love instead of anger and hatred, sooner or later, one will realize that life can be full of joy and harmony regardless of any material wealth.

** More information:- Related story

Relax Life

Playing, eating, sleeping..etc without doing any work, will make one lazy, sluggish, no courage, bad-health ..etc. Is it worth it!

What a waste of being human being!

Occasional and temporary rest, relax, peace and tranquilly is a must that will relieve our spirit and level of energy.

Resting and relaxing for half an hour each day will refresh one's brain and body, especially when working in a hectic and demanding job or having a busy life-style.

** More information:- Related story


Staying put and waiting for opportunities to drop by could be quite a long-wait, but implementing and working diligently will create chances, which is the faster solution.

Treasure our life as being Human Beings, just progress further with good-deeds.

By doing good-deeds not just helping others, but also helping one-self to progress.

Right or Wrong

During an argument, one side says they are right, the other side is wrong; but the other side says they are right.

So who is right and who is wrong?

Some people never admit their bad wicked deed is wrong because they think those deeds are right.

Perhaps self-awareness is the appropriate way for people to progress positively with life.


Life is meant to be lived with passion and sometimes mistakes will be made. Mistakes are the real life experiences, if one is frightened to take risks in order to avoid any mistakes, then there is no chance for one to achieve their goals or fulfill their dreams.

If life is without any challenge, people will become lazy and sluggish. There would be no progress at all.
